Itineraries should include activities, travel dates, times, destinations, locations, and transportation.
View a sample itinerary
Once you have created your travel itinerary please schedule an appointment with the ICC Advisor, Karla Guzman Mohedano,
During this meeting you will:
-Submit your completed itinerary to generate a TR Number
-Recieve all required travel forms necessary to complete your Travel Request (TR) and a timeline to return completed forms.
-Calculate maximum meal reimbursements if applicable
-Discuss all travel reservation and registration processes
Travel forms must be completed and reviewed by the Office of Student Life a minimum of 2-6 weeks prior to the dates of travel depending on where you are going. In addition, waiver forms are also required for all traveling students and staff. Please submit waiver forms to the Student Life Secretary with your completed travel documents.
Request for Field Trip or Excursion Form
Field Trip or Excursion Participant - Complete List
Field Trip or Excursion Participant Notice
Student Waiver Forms for Travel
You should complete your travel forms at least two (2) weeks prior to the trip. This will allow time to obtain approval of the ICC Advisor who has oversight responsibility over campus clubs.
If the field trip or excursion extends beyond the geographical boundaries of California, you should complete your travel forms at least six (6) weeks prior to the trip. This will allow time to obtain approval of the ICC Advisor who has oversight responsibility for campus clubs; approval of the Vice President for Student Services; and approval of the Butte College Board of Trustees at least one month before travel is to occur.
*All club travel must be approved by the appropriate adminstrators prior to your departure. Late travel forms may result in non-travel.
Within 2 weeks of your return you must meet with the Student Life Secretary to close out your Travel Request. This process will initiate reimbursements, mileage, and any other expenses incurred.
Please bring all that apply:
- Meal Acknowledgements
- Lodging Check-out Portfolio
- Registration Receipts
- Auto Rental or Taxi Receipts
- Parking Receipts
- Other Travel Related Receipts (this includes transportation fuel)
Clubs may use their club account to pay for travel. To ask about your account balance, contact the ICC Advisor.
Clubs may request travel funds through the A.S. Grant process. Grant applications must be submitted the semester prior to travel.
Content editor:
Jolie Cole-Barrett
(530) 895-2282